Anzac Biscuit is the bush telegraph of the broadband cable for cockatoos needing some thought provoking escapism from the authorities of the Australian government, corporate, media, legal, arts and education landscapes.

The term 'bush telegraph' originated in
Australia, probably influenced by
'grapevine telegraph'. That referred to the
informal network that passed information
about police movements to convicts who
were hiding in the bush. It was recorded in 1878 by an Australian author called Morris:

"The police are baffled by the number and activity of the bush telegraphs."

Sunday, June 5, 2016




THE SPUN MACHINE (version australia I)

Traleg Rinpoche said 'Reading Ancient Texts with a Modern Mind' - I inverted his emotionally intelligent speech to reveal this travesty of journalism with what I said 'Reading Modern Texts with an Ancient Mind'.

Which results in Buddha Nature of the Christian Soul!!


LABORATORY DRAFT NOTES with what you've been lumped with..... work away feverishly to our ends &.......
...........keep living on a pray.....
.......but once TEAM ANZAC BISCUIT throws our winged keel....on the bottom of....THE SPUN MACHINE (version AUSTRALIA II)....
........we'll really kick some human heads....Sorry....
.....we have to behave more appropriately this time round...... this new incarnation of our machine............
....... so our message will be accepted by.... many human...slash....little people minds...... possible....maybe to keep your machine in line....'ll have to develop.....slash......
.....a public relations component onto ....
........THE SPUN MACHINE (version AUSTRALIA II) ....
...then this time round we will seize....


THE SPUN MACHINE (version australia I)

anzac biscuit spun machine read out...
....spewing...spewing out...MESSAGE TO....
.....SUNDAY HERALD SUN EDITORIAL TEAM...... are tabloid newspaper editors......
.......don't attempt to cast yourself as.....
.......the modern day James Joyce.... improve the quality of your moralism....
........over the Christmas break......
.........TEAM ANZAC BISCUIT........
..... suggest reading James Joyce's The Dubliner's........................

(disconnect in transmission)
(reconnect in transmission)
anzac biscuit spun machine read out...
..........spewing...spewing out...MESSAGE TO TEAM ANZAC BISCUIT... reflective on the judgements your machine reads out......
.....or your machine may itself cast aspertions.... accepting of a dialogue of criticism....
........don't fret over the discursive nature of the spun machine....
.....this spun machine has a lot of work ahead of it.......
........ to try to implement an analytical/critical mind into the minds of .......
....all of generation y plus...
....and those individuals....slash.... ...slash...corporations....
........don't get us started on the governments.....slash....
......slash the governments....(no don't do that yet)......
...slash....first wait to see how they respond to the......
.........impending proliferation of the Spun Machine......
......let's wait to see how they GUN'S AND ROSES...slash..... on a prayer.....this planet....bad luck TEAM ANZAC BISCUIT...
........we don't think you were meant to be delivered to.....
....planet earth either....but you have to....slash....

.....and sail off into the sunset......
...after changing the tack this planet..... currently sailing on .........

....TEAM ANZAC BISCUIT you will probably get a......
......CIA file for the publication of this machine's coining of the phrase...
......but don't fret....they are intelligent people.........
....they enjoyed our jinxing duel last time round.......... we must consider how we......
......are going to empower generation y......
....from being the FACEBOOK GENERATION......
.......into A BEAT GENERATION OF THE INTERNET........waves...brain waves
........goodbye.. hello.......
..........HELLO AGAIN!!!!!!..................
(moment of thought composition in transmission)
(disconnect in transmission)
(reconnect in transmission)

.......little people....
...........composition, dialogue, reflection & investigation....
...lead to creation............
.........hand in glove.....
(moment of thought composition in transmission)

anzac biscuit spun machine read out...
.........spewing...spewing out...MESSAGE TO THE......
...... little people of our great land down under...
....reflection is a human mental ability we....
...the communication embodiments connected to this....
...the first edition of the spun machine....
......want to stress as being.....
......under valued by the human populous of....
.....planet dearth....sorry...planet earth.....
........(see new Australian Opposition leader Brendan Nelson......
........ sorry is an easy word to say......
.........ditch your philosophical windbagging.......
........especially the women in our organisation.....
......that gender have a bigger 'shit factor reading' meter....
.....than us men.....they want you to take a partisan approach on.....
......Australian Indigenous issues............
.........or we may launch a project..... unite Australia's little people..........
.........we're first waiting on the next five years of our....
....elected representatives contributions to Indigenous Australia.......
.......we'll have more to read out on this urgent matter....... near future projects..........

anzac biscuit spun machine read out...
......spewing...spewing out...MESSAGE TO THE ABLETT FAMILY.....
...we all have to accept that.......there is good and bad in this world....
..........take it on the chin.....learn from it......
......and if it is your need.........keep living on a prayer..............

one upmanship contribution found @

Melbourne's other daily newspaper 'The Age'

'Back off my family'

Ablett said he had been moved to speak out, reversing a long-held reluctance to make public comment, because of what he believed was the unfair treatment of his family, upset particularly by a story in yesterday's Sunday Herald Sun headlined: "The agony of football's most troubled family."
The article detailed Ablett snr's fall from public grace and various issues surrounding his children, Gary jnr, Nathan, and daughter Natasha. He said he had been refused a right of reply, even as a letter to the editor.
"This sort of rubbish has been going on for a lot of years now, and I've remained silent, but I think there comes a time when enough is enough," Ablett said. "There were a lot of things said in that article that were absolute rubbish, and I have to say that this kind of thing has to be a low-water mark in Australian journalism.
"I've been on the receiving end now for a lot of years and have taken it on the chin, but when they bring my family into it like that, it's going way too far.
"I think articles like that are more a reflection of what a troubled society we live in than anything else, and I'm constantly amazed at how journalists have the freedom and think they have the right to stoop to such levels, and it's even sadder that there's a market for this kind of thing."
But Gary Ablett wasn't finished saying his piece.
"Lacking authoritative facts and direct source, this kind of information is loosely spread, causing harm and destruction," he said.
"I find these journalists small, suspicious souls. They find satisfaction in trafficking in poorly lit alleys, dropping subtle bombs that explode in people's minds by lighting the fuse of suggestion. They find comfort in being only an innocent channel of the unsure information, never the source.
"I think it's high time journalists realised that the thing in their hand is a pen and not a gavel. The media's job is to inform the public, not to conform it. They not only tell us what is happening, but how we should feel about it. I found the article nothing less than wicked."

"What's disappointed me is that certain people feel they've got the right to create all sorts of innuendo when there is no real evidence to suggest that."

..."oh, here it is!...
...and remember...before commencing reading...
....hit play on the hokey jokey music!"...
., but we do believe he is a father......

(....Dear H.S. Team Editorial, we believe the publication of this next gem...
...very well could be....the price of fame.)

.....we believe the young lad is taking on the responsiblity...
....of training at a seminary.....

....and who is composing the script??? this 'improbable'.....(the application of that word is....
.......well, in it's totality it is inapplicable...

...yep! least the Herald Sun have got one thing right...
....the Abletts are definitely HUNTED....
...we threw out the A....
...because it's closer to the reality of this hatchet job...
...such is the price of fame...

....oh, dear god....there's so much more work to do....

.....what was that word?....we were dodging again?...
........where we grew up that could apply to journalists...

...............we're a bit bemused about.....
...........your paper....your Herald Sun..... that would mean............
our paper.....our Herald Sun? The Dubliners for godsake.....

.......learn appreciation for humanity...... all it's variances and pitfalls..... HS editors......
....stop that hokey jokey music.....
......and to appreciate 'the angle'.....
....(oh god, the terms we have to use to talk to these people).....
...the moral tenet....of our message....
....look below...

....In unison....the associates of TABRL's sing...
...."combine our cut up with the sounds of the musicians of jajouka....
...our work with the spun machine....
.....has contributed to the creation.... (version II) of the dreamachine!"... play on the musicians of jajouka.....
....and our cut up from the top again....

Reading ancient scriptures with a modern mindTraleg Kygabon Rinpoche


visit Traleg Rinpoche @
evaminstitute we suggest that....
....we all reference back....
....hit play on the words of Traleg Rinpoche....
...then as swiftly as is realistically possible....
...hit play on the musicians of jajouka....
...and re-read our cut up from top to bottom....

....complete this exercise...then return to the next passage....

.....all that meditation under Rinpoche's direction...... finally allowing someone to join the dots.....'s taken bloody long enough!...
....slow of mind human....

...."that's alright spun machine...I quite like it when you're vicious with me....
....our relationship has to mimic....
.....the patterns of communication discourse....
...of the machine's operating on this 'home base'......planet earth..... I'm of the belief that it's the best way to.... relate our message...

..spun machine says... "huh?"

..."as us humans know this way of being communicated with"....

.....The TABRL in unison.....
..."We believe Brion may have appreciated...
...the humour of the Tibetan's.... living with stridently applied philosophy... times....can only make one...
....momentarily break out into laughter....
.......midway through serious considerations".....

THE SPUN MACHINE (version australia I)

The Team ANZAC Biscuit Research Laboratory
keep turning this diagram upside down
but under our microscopes it keeps turning itself back upright.
Don't fret little people, we're the most lateral thinkers
of artistic investigation, we'll examine this natural instinct to conformity
and turn the whole thing on it's head.


TEAM ANZAC BISCUIT told you other little people we were
quick to get results with our investigations,
but even we didn't think we'd be this quick!
...the little people are beginning their surge up from down under..... out world......


please come...visit us again.......

......the lab team laughing as they work.....

The TABRT in unison look up from their work tables and rejoice
..........."We'll create a new song out of this!".........

" do do do do do.............
......the lab team laughing as we work.....

......bewdy Newk!......"

(we're not finished yet...even...more to come!
you've got to love the workers of TABRL...

....we are so studious!!!...well that's our word for it.....hehe...)



Thursday, February 25, 2016

Naranan Australia Rememberance Day

‘Naranan Australia Rememberance Day
A True Day to Remember’

By Michel Paul Tuomy

Australia Day is a day for mainstream Australia to celebrate everything that is grand about our nation.  The yachts on Sydney Harbour, watched over by the throngs of our people who flock to the best vantage spot to take in the spectacular scenery.

And across our country families and friends come together for barbecues, as former Prime Minister John Howard famously said to be relaxed and comfortable.  But how do we make this joyous day for mainstream Australia into a day for our original Indigenous Aborigines?

An Australia Day which is an inclusive day for our Indigenous population and those of us who support our original people’s struggle for recognition and human rights. 

Aggrieved Australian Aborigines have two names for Australia Day – Invasion Day and Survival Day.  Personally I find Survival Day a more appropriate term for Australia Day than Invasion Day.  Did the British and subsequently other cultures like Irish convicts and settlers, or the Chinese in the gold rush invade Australia?

Considering that our Aboriginal people had lived upon our land for sixty thousand years without contact with ‘white civilisation’, I can understand how sections of our aggrieved and politically wanton indigenous population call our national day Invasion Day.

I steer away from the term Invasion Day, because I believe cultural migration, like that which has built today’s multi-cultural society, is reflective of the human trait to ‘discover’ and inhabit other lands.

Yet I do sympathise and understand the term Invasion Day, because the official term for our national day Australia Day fails in my opinion to properly recognise our first people’s ownership of their land.

I also believe when the British came to Australia, they were a ‘less civilised civilisation’, than that of our Indigenous Aboriginal population that practice corroboree and had an understanding to land that was more advanced than those British that came to conquer our first people.

I was recently speaking to a friend of mine who is an Indigenous Aboriginal elder up north, Larrakia elder Rob Mills, who I know to be a very laidback and intelligent person, who conducts cultural tours on his land and who also is a quite prolific musician. 

On Rob’s website there is a photo of him placing his hand in front of the face of a whitefella, unfamiliar with this custom I asked him whether he was a Christian and he was baptising the whitefella into his culture? 

My friend Rob became very angry and showed me a side of his personality that I had never seen before - anger and indignation that he felt for all the wrongs cast against his people.

When I asked what the custom was really about, Rob calmed down very quickly, due to the trust in our relationship.   Rob told me placing a hand in front of someone’s face, was up in his country a greeting when his people met people whom they had not met before, a sign for peace and trust.

Now recalling Noel Pearson’s recent eulogy at Gough Whitlam’s funeral, I felt a sense of pride for black Australia.  Noel Pearson was a man who took his ‘moment in the sun’ to recall the principals of the Whitlam Government that were a government to really champion Indigenous Aboriginal rights, after the Liberal Party Prime Minister Billy McMahon supported the Indigenous Aborigines a right to vote in the 1967 Referendum.

And forty years on from the Whitlam government of which Noel Pearson spoke of the struggle for recognition which still continues today.

Considering my friend Rob Mill’s anger and Mr. Pearson’s eulogy to Prime Minister Gough Whitlam - how could we continue to build bridges, so we can truly celebrate our nationhood on our national day of Australia Day?

On my birthday on Thursday December 10th 2009, with my sister I attended a talk at the Melbourne Convention Centre by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.  The following day the date on the front page of ‘The Age’, read not Friday December 11th 2009, but Friday November 11th 2009 – giving us a second Remembrance Day in that year.

The possibilities of having two Rememberance Days in Australia? An International Rememberance Day for November 11th to recall with solemn requiem Armistice Day to end World War 1.  And to my understanding a January 26th Australia Day - Survival Day to be known as ‘Naranan Australian Remembrance Day’.
So we can consider with respect the wrongs cast against our original people and also consider with respect the character of their nation and the nation of which we have together grown to become. 

January 26th each year– not Australia Day, Invasion Day or Survival Day – rather Naranan Australian Remembrance Day - a true bran nue day for our original indigenous Aboriginal and all inter-cultural peoples.

Michel Paul Tuomy & Delta Lea Goodrem are part ofa team of screenwriters of a film in pre-production ‘Our Progressive Corroboree – Our Meeting Place’.