Anzac Biscuit is the bush telegraph of the broadband cable for cockatoos needing some thought provoking escapism from the authorities of the Australian government, corporate, media, legal, arts and education landscapes.

The term 'bush telegraph' originated in
Australia, probably influenced by
'grapevine telegraph'. That referred to the
informal network that passed information
about police movements to convicts who
were hiding in the bush. It was recorded in 1878 by an Australian author called Morris:

"The police are baffled by the number and activity of the bush telegraphs."

Monday, June 19, 2017

E Business Proposals by Michel Paul Tuomy 19/7/2017


I have written to disseminate the code one must first embrace the code.  So how did I disseminate and embrace the code of the blog?  The heart piece of citizen journalism.  Now with citizen journalism on a blog you don't get background information when you view a blog, you get the latest social media news of what that citizen journalist is occupied with, unless you are interested enough in that person to browse through their blog.

Now I have invented an idea to be manufactured by your e business, a way of turning citizen journalists into their very own novelist.  Quite simply I went into the HTML code of my blog and cut and pasted my 'novelist not citizen journalist' contribution to the social media online community.

With my Novelist Blog/Chronicle first entry came first, then I cut and pasted my second entry so it became second not first, then I cut and pasted my third entry, so it became third not first and so on.

Could we imagine the potentialities of not a citizen journalist blog but each citizen being a novelist, with a history of who they are, like the great novelists of previous ages and our time?  Students each reading a novel of their classmates as bona-fide writers?  Or for primary age children a daily rolling history of the uniqueness of their days.  The elderly sharing with family and friends the stories of their lives?

To be novelists on the internet is a simple proposition - which I don't believe anyone has ever invented.  I am open to questions and discussion re- my first e product for our age.


The speed of technology is like Capitalism in our classrooms.  Placing words in a search engine is educational for spelling but then with a choose of links the student goes directly to the Interface of the Internet home page they are searching for, or if unfound click on another search engine result or they type in different words in a search engine for another search.

Quite simply the educational server makes the student type in the website address, rather than just giving them that website address, after a number of letters typed in or with a click of their computer or mouse, on a search engine result.  The educational server is about raising literacy standards and slowing down technology for an appreciation of academic understanding of gaining information.

I am open to questions and discussion re - my second E-Business product for our age.


Look at my facebook homepage for your investigation of what I have interpreted and what are your understandings?

Sunday, June 18, 2017

'The Commonwealth's more Communal way of life - the Communewealth'

It was a long time ago that the Sex Pistols wrote, sung and played music - to the lyrics of a 'facist regime' - meaning the Government and Royal Family of their native United Kingdom.  This article is first time I have aired the word 'Communeism' - don't jump to conclusions there are no 'Reds Under The Beds' and I am not threatening anyone or any political party living under our Commonwealth Constitution of Australia, with a radical new politic - rather an unthought of analysis of the contemporary modern age.

Capitalism the dominate political ideology we live under in Australia, I feel cannot be challenged in our political system, yet it can be better understood and thus applied by our unneedingly combative politicians.  In simple terms Capitalism is now a way of life which aims to bring a better quality of life.  Both our major political parties promote capitalism - the Liberal Party with an emphasis on economic prosperity and the Australian Labor Party with an emphasis of social policy and similarly to their opponents, our current Government, making sure their social policies do not harm or be seen to harm economic prosperity 

So as we look to the future - how are we as a country going to 'live the Australian dream?'
As I have already stated - Capitalism is for a better quality of life but what is the underbelly of Capitalism?  Quite simply the underbelly of Capitalism is Consumerism, allowing people to have enough money in their pockets to drive the ideology co-shared between our two major political parties, keeping the Capitalist wheels of the market place, I suggest contemporarily churning not turning, becuase of a lack of action on climate change.  Capitalism alone is no longer an Ideology alone, there is second ideology of consumerism   Can this dynamic in a subtle and challenging way, lead to a new frontier in Australian politics, with politicians driving a more advanced idealism, of and thus, for developing our cultural values on a larger and more intelligent scale? 

Many more people used to go to Church of a Sunday than they now do.  So where do people now go of a Sunday?  Spend time with their family and friends, or go to a Shopping Centre to spend money to build their material wealth for a more visual appealing comfort zone to live in.  This assessment may sound deriding, but with the industry of advertising promoting a blanket consumer way of live, I feel people are Consumer's who want a better quantity of life - so to me it is Capitalism - a quality way of life versus Consumerism a not better quality of life, but a 'questionable' more quantity driven way of life. 

People can live with luxuries- that is fine - but are we in contemporary Australian culture, somewhat blindly trying to keep up with the Joneses?  That section of society that live the luxurious way of life?  To my eyes and mind, people are somewhat blindly, by seeing what they want with their eyes, not  focusing on what family values their mind's would tell them, if their eyes on the media weren't saturated with the advertising industry's consumer philosophy. So what is this word Communeism and how does it relate to the Commonwealth and I contend the Commonwealth Royal Family?

When I was brought up there were three families lining a suburban roadway - yet the fences that separated our parent's properties were in no way fences to how we played together, we were a family of villages living out the Australian dream.  We called each other's parents Uncle and Aunty - so we were cousins, like in indigenous aboriginal culture, yet never until now have one of a family of eight children, made the extension that because our parent's were Uncles and Aunty's, that made us cousins!  Each Christmas morning we would gather in the family in the middle house.  We were cherished children and adolescents,.

This was  the origin of the word Communeism along with my lifelong relationship to tribal cultures.  Working with East Timorese in a factory, working and living in the Fijian community, studying to be monk in Tibetan Buddhism and now a writer of theatre and film with Indigenous Aboriginal themes.  These four cultures all living a more communal way of life than that which we live under contemporary political capitalism - and the hand in glove of this following - multi-cultural consumerism.

These four cultures once living freely with a tribal structure, where every member of the village is valued.  Like we live with Royalty, where Royalty is cherished by the majority of our Australian society.  How has Queen Elizabeth and The Duke of Edinburgh lived so long?  Because they have servants to serve them, societal responsibility and an under pinning intelligent way of caring for their citizens.  What if we were all royalty, showing a respect to duty to society that all member's of our Royal family show?  How on earth can that happen?  It can metaphorically, by every member of our society becoming aristocracy, yet only in my philosophy of capitalism and communeism! 

So I contend - at night everyone sleeps with their knight, and when they feel amorous they make love to their knight during the night - so inturn that means everyone is knighted a Sir or a Lady, and for those of us growing up, or unfortunately without a partner we are Prince and Princess' - in our love of life looking to be Sir's and Ladies - everyone in a bond of Aristocratic appointment and royal duty, with understanding of respect for Royalty leading to a more dignified political royal rule.

Living under the banner of the science of global warming that in our chicken political system cannot be seen to threaten the economic emphasis in political policy.  To me this has to change, or global warming will become 'global warning' and 'the global warning hour glass will wait for nobody or no nation'. 

Communeism - a philosophy established on how in my life, I related to villages and ancient tribal civilisations - and the history of our Royal family living with the greatest of respect.  Mindful of family values and those family values being shared to our neighbour's - with our extended family values.  So how will we as a society form a consumerism which is not for a quantity way of life but a quality way of life?

With now relatively peaceful country's as our neighbouring countries - by better understanding what we need to consume too stay alive as family members, extending family values to our neighbouring, state, national and international neighbours, so we can as a member of the Commonwealth and Communewealth nations living in the planetary community, live under a scientific understanding of the 'global warning hour glass' with more intelligent ethics in our ethos of unchallengeable Capitalism which understands a closer  relationship and teaching of our underpinning cultural values learnt from the Commonwealth Royal family and 'Communewealth Aristocratic families' replacing consumerism, rather than Political Capitalism feeding Societal Consumerism.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Programs of Control


We are inside the law and the law is magic.
Our law is revealing the magic to here,
Our countries magically inside
the rule of their and our magical laws.
An International Chorus and Country verse.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The theatre play of ‘Our Progressive Corroboree – Our Meeting Place’ I wrote in 2008 with the title of ‘Our Brave New Dreamtime World’. The film of the same name I have written eleven drafts between 2014 and 2016 – the last draft in to be written collectively by a team of Indigenous Aboriginal and multi-cultural filmmakers. As in the theatre play where Iluka finds herself on a farm where the local Indigenous Aboriginal people have the freedom to practice their culture – in the film Iluka also leaves her boyfriend, in this instance in Eden New South Wales to travel to her and her parent’s land in Longreach Queensland where the property is shared between droving cattle and the elders schooling the young and living their culture; where the motto for life is ‘Shared Land – Our Meeting Place.’ In the film when Iluka discovers her pregnancy her husband Jeff travels with a party of family and friends from Eden to Longreach. When Iluka gives birth, the community come together to share their experiences for a future Australia based on their input into the ‘Utopian view of ‘Shared Land – Our Meeting Place’; before travelling as a community from Longreach Queensland back to Eden New South Wales. An establishment of a traditional track formed between celebration of two meeting places – Longreach to Eden – where in Eden the local Dairy farmer establishes his property on the principles of the Cattle Station in Longreach Queensland where education and natural living by the Indigenous people is adhered to. The local diary farmer is Rove McManus, who changes his name to Drover McManus in the spirit of the U.S.A. Cattle Station owner whom inspires a second ‘Shared Land our Meeting Place’. Tracks between meeting places how our Indigenous Aboriginal people lived before the coming of what I term ‘a less civilised civilisation’ in the British and future settlers, yet now in my theatre and film ‘Our Progressive Corroboree – Our Meeting Place’ – the traditional life of the and our Indigenous people has been re-established – with a track between two meeting places. As is the contemporary custom to respect the elders from the tribe of the land on which a cultural event is on, then the indigenous people to this land perform welcome to country, the multi-cultural officials then give what I term ‘a welcome back to country’ where the values of the comprehensive viewpoint of understanding of tracks to meeting places can be constructed amongst our township settlements with tracks to neighbouring township settlements –where education and lived experience can be socially interactive, recreated and adhered to in our contemporary age for our contemporary Indigenous Aboriginal people. Michel Paul Tuomy, Melbourne March 2017theatre and film ‘Our Progressive Corroboree – Our Meeting Place’ are understood. So a more 

The note for the declarations to Washington, Canberra and Paris

Dare to Dream As Two We can live out our dreams either alone with our friends, family and in our communities, yet in this modern world until we meet people we have not met before, whom will join together to share dreams, one entity or person alone can only live the present in a dream hinged by attachments to the people, the failures and the triumphs and the material and spiritual possessions of their past. When people meet in the present sharing with each other the tale of their cultural personal story, which living out their dreams have created together we can begin living out a reality composed of new dreams, arising from the dreams and nightmares which make up any past. Binding us in our future, not by living solitary dreams alone yet living encompassed by a unifing vision, generative by the design of a diverse conciliatory, reconciling society.