Anzac Biscuit is the bush telegraph of the broadband cable for cockatoos needing some thought provoking escapism from the authorities of the Australian government, corporate, media, legal, arts and education landscapes.

The term 'bush telegraph' originated in
Australia, probably influenced by
'grapevine telegraph'. That referred to the
informal network that passed information
about police movements to convicts who
were hiding in the bush. It was recorded in 1878 by an Australian author called Morris:

"The police are baffled by the number and activity of the bush telegraphs."

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Julian Burnside QC speaks out

At a public forum by the Justice Project, Julian Burnside QC was scathing in his reflections on Australia's laws pertaining to the promotion and protection of human rights.

Listen to Julian Burnside's speech, with an introduction from fellow Justice Project member Alex Wesser & some audio from the film We Will Be Remembered.

Justice Project Audio

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